
  • Erstellt von Lilly Linder
  • Wettkampf, Interkulturelles

Do you have a talent for English and want to measure how skilled you actually are? Is there a certain proof of your English abilities demanded for university or an apprenticeship?

If so, the Go4Goal contest may be something for you! The contest, which took place at our school on 23rd November 2018, actually for the first time ever, works with the officially recognized TOEFL ITP testing students in three different categories: Listening Comprehension, Structure and Written Expression as well as Reading Comprehension. Furthermore it covers a variety of academic subjects giving you the opportunity to prove that the enormity of things you learned at school has some use at least. (Just kidding, school is important, mate!)

This might seem a bit overwhelming at first but once you have dived right into the competition you may find that it´s even a bit of fun and I think all former participants would agree with me saying we had a good time.

What is also a proper advantage of the contest is the fact that normally the testing fee for the TOEFL ITP is about 80 €, whereas within the contest only costs you 19 €. This is a good deal if you urgently need a proof of your linguistic abilities for an application, as it saves your piggy bank and gives you the comfort of simply taking your test at school, not having mentioned that there is the possibility of winning prices as well.

To put it into a nutshell the Go4Goal contest was an overall pleasant and beneficial application for university. This is why I can only suggest to you, dear English loving student, to just give it a try and experience it yourself.

Faint heart never won fair lady. Touch wood the next time!

The next information event for Go4Goal will take place in room 114 on 14 May 2019 at 11.45 a.m. Just drop by and see for yourself!
